You may be thinking that everyone already gets along well with each other in your organization and you don’t need to spend time and money on a workshop. Maybe your teams are the greatest and everyone loves getting up in the morning and racing through your door to tackle the tasks of the day. While this could be the case, the
5 Languages of Appreciation is a great tool to raise the bar…become MORE effective.

Sigma Promotions
We had Brian from Learn2Appreciate come teach us about The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. We are better equipped to show each other appreciation now that we have discovered our languages of appreciation. Thanks, Brian!”

Maria Stewart
Brian led Learn2Appreciate with our staff team at Safe Families over zoom this past year. It was easy to engage with and enjoyable to participate in. It is incredibly compelling to learn about the power of appreciation in a workplace and it gave us the opportunity to learn about some of our own unique styles of expressing and receiving appreciation as a team. I was also amazed at the profound impact a lack of appreciation has on people in a workplace, even leading many to choose to quit rather than continue working somewhere they aren't appreciated. Thank you Brian!
Melodie Bissell
Our staff set aside a day apart with Brian Reynolds to discover our individual languages of appreciation. It was a fun and enriching day where we gained greater insight into each other and learned how to better support each other and communicate the value that each person brings to the team. Brian was an excellent and patient facilitator. He answered our questions, dealt sensitively to any reservations that arose, challenged us to be better, and celebrated our team strengths. He also is a tremendous role model for appreciation and followed up with us soon after to see how we were applying the new information. At Plan to Protect we work together so well as a team but we know we can do better and build into each other’s lives, greater appreciation for each other. This course provided the momentum and skills to do just that.